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Feedback for Caracodon
Overall Feedback Rating:   15
Positive Feedback Percentage:   100.0%
Unique Feedback Rating:   11
Unique Positive Feedback Percentage:   100.0%
Feedback Summary
Total From Unique Users Past 7 days Past month Past 6 months
Positive 15 11 0 0 0
Negative 0 0 0 0 0
Neutral 0 0 0 0 0
Total 15 11 0 0 0
Feedback ratings are calculated by adding all positive comments and subtracting any negative comments. Neutral comments do not affect a users rating. See the summary for a breakdown of all comments including neutrals.
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Left by Date Item#
Killibozd (1103/1105) 1000+ Jul 28 2022 - 09:43:17 AM fwkillifishe1655461519
Praise: Very good communication, fast payment. I recommend!
Killibozd (1103/1105) 1000+ Jul 28 2022 - 09:42:26 AM fwkillifishe1655461769
Praise: Very good communication, fast payment. I recommend!
Osssi1 (43/44) 10-50 Jun 28 2022 - 09:39:57 AM fwkillifishe1656329714
Praise: Great contact, fast payment, perfect buyer. Thank you!
Hka (280/281) 101-500 Jun 23 2022 - 03:35:23 AM fwkillifishe1655046816
Praise: Great communication, fast payment, thank you!
Killibozd (1103/1105) 1000+ Sep 20 2017 - 07:00:53 PM fwkillifishe1503564476
Praise: Very good communication, serious buyer. I recommend!
Zeezwerver (35/35) 10-50 Sep 6 2014 - 03:54:13 PM fwkillifishe1408823495
Praise: All excellent, very good communication Praise +++
Nika1961 (127/127) 101-500 Sep 5 2014 - 04:12:12 AM fwkillifishe1407403410
Praise: good bidder, recommended, thanks!
Grard31270 (331/343) 101-500 Sep 3 2014 - 11:30:42 AM fwkillifishe1407708888
Praise: Excellent and serious buyer I recommend.
Caspel10 (422/428) 101-500 Aug 15 2014 - 08:06:19 AM fwkillifish1407662854
Praise: Very nice person! Excellent communications! Nice to deal with.
Ms (470/470) 101-500 Aug 12 2014 - 10:03:53 AM fwkillifishe1406926622
Praise: Great bidder, highly recommended! Thanks
Ms (470/470) 101-500 Aug 12 2014 - 10:03:32 AM fwkillifishe1406926252
Praise: Great bidder, highly recommended! Thanks
Tintin (661/704) 500-1000 Aug 9 2014 - 05:14:20 AM fwkillifish1406713123
Praise: Good communication.Recommanded++++++
Pillet (1037/1051) 1000+ Jul 25 2014 - 12:02:35 AM fwkillifishe1403668212
Praise: Fast payment, excellent bidder, highly recommended
Schwarzjun (41/41) 10-50 Jul 15 2014 - 11:35:31 AM fwkillifishe1405347601
Praise: Fast payment, great communications. Great buyer!
Caspel10 (422/428) 101-500 Jul 12 2014 - 06:30:24 AM fwkillifish1404657634
Praise: 100% recommended, wonderful person with excellent communications! Nice to deal with

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