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Aust. paucisquama TT 35 Eggs
Item #1403668212

Current Auction Time: Fri Sep 20 19:57:26 2024

Final: $15.00 First Bid $15.00
Time left 00:00 # of Bids 1 (bid history)
Started Jun 20 2014 - 10:50:12 PM Location Chateaubernard 16100 France
Ended Jun 24 2014 - 10:50:12 PM
Auction Closed
Seller Pillet (1037/1051) 1000+
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High Bidder Caracodon (15/15) 10-50

Payment See Item Description, PayPal
Shipping Will Ship Internationally See Item Description

Seller assumes all responsibility for listing this item. You should contact the seller to resolve any questions before bidding. Currency is U.S. dollars (US$) unless otherwise noted.


Austrolebias paucisquama - T.T.- handpicked 35 Eggs. This fish is easy, it is adapted to wide variations in temperature, 4 � C to 28 � C. All prices are listed in $ (USD). Delivery within the France is $5, Europe $8, other countries $10, for 1 to 3 portions. Accept Pay Pal (+ 5%) and Western Union. The eggs are posted in a peat moss or coir enclosed in a plastic bag which is placed in a padded bubble envelope. Unfortunately I can't guarantee the hatching, hatch rate, sex ratio, etc. The storage conditions during transportation are out of my control. Important: I don't refund money or re-send another pack of eggs if the package is lost in the post, seized by customs of your country, the eggs are dissolved in peat moss for whatever reason, or you did something wrong and couldn't manage to hatch the fry. Ordering eggs from me you completely agree with all my statements mentioned above. I have 15 years of experience to keep and to reproduce these species.

hebergeur image>

Bid History:

Bidders Bid Time Bid Comments
Caracodon (15/15) 10-50 Jun 21 2014 - 11:33:31 AM $15.00 

Auction is closed

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