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Feedback for Tunesquad
Overall Feedback Rating:   2
Positive Feedback Percentage:   75.0%
Unique Feedback Rating:   2
Unique Positive Feedback Percentage:   75.0%
Feedback Summary
Total From Unique Users Past 7 days Past month Past 6 months
Positive 3 3 0 0 0
Negative 1 1 0 0 0
Neutral 0 0 0 0 0
Total 4 4 0 0 0
Feedback ratings are calculated by adding all positive comments and subtracting any negative comments. Neutral comments do not affect a users rating. See the summary for a breakdown of all comments including neutrals.
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Left by Date Item#
Dhu32 (749/755) 500-1000 Jan 3 2022 - 03:59:53 AM fwinverts1641021973
Praise: Great buyer!! Pleasure to do business with!! A+++
Houseofrivs (168/168) 101-500 Nov 29 2020 - 04:43:52 PM fwusnative1605919898
Praise: Smooth transaction, quick payment, thanks!
Sdaquatica (603/634) 500-1000 Nov 15 2020 - 05:37:58 PM fwinverts1604296271
Negative: Doesnt know cherry shrimp lose color when shipped. leaves fb w/o contact. Do business with caution.
Powerful (52/65) 51-100 Nov 15 2020 - 02:42:12 PM fwbettas1603582203
Praise: Good customer easy to pay money

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