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Feedback for Msedge
Overall Feedback Rating:   17
Positive Feedback Percentage:   100.0%
Unique Feedback Rating:   8
Unique Positive Feedback Percentage:   100.0%
Feedback Summary
Total From Unique Users Past 7 days Past month Past 6 months
Positive 17 8 0 0 0
Negative 0 0 0 0 0
Neutral 0 0 0 0 0
Total 17 8 0 0 0
Feedback ratings are calculated by adding all positive comments and subtracting any negative comments. Neutral comments do not affect a users rating. See the summary for a breakdown of all comments including neutrals.
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Left by Date Item#
Killibozd (1103/1105) 1000+ Aug 16 2020 - 06:07:39 PM fwkillifishe1593855777
Praise: Great buyer, very good communication, fast payment. Thank you!
Killibozd (1103/1105) 1000+ Aug 16 2020 - 06:06:52 PM fwkillifishe1593855863
Praise: Great buyer, very good communication, fast payment. Thank you!
Feelthebasse1984 (1129/1160) 1000+ Jul 16 2019 - 05:33:12 AM fwkillifishe1559591582
Praise: Perfect. Thank you very much.
Carmelzammit (220/221) 101-500 Apr 28 2018 - 02:01:12 AM fwkillifishe1525204808
Praise: Highly recommended,good communications, prompt payment, thanks.
Carmelzammit (220/221) 101-500 Apr 28 2018 - 02:00:23 AM fwkillifishe1524935430
Praise: Good Aquabidder, prompt payment, highly recommended.
Billikilli (73/73) 51-100 Mar 29 2018 - 08:45:53 AM fwkillifishe1520793819
Praise: Nice buyer, fast payment, recommendable!!!!
Killibozd (1103/1105) 1000+ Sep 27 2017 - 04:28:51 PM fwkillifishe1504176782
Praise: Very good communication, serious buyer. I recommend!
Killibozd (1103/1105) 1000+ Sep 27 2017 - 04:27:53 PM fwkillifishe1504177101
Praise: Very good communication, serious buyer. I recommend!
Killibozd (1103/1105) 1000+ Sep 27 2017 - 04:26:56 PM fwkillifishe1504177306
Praise: Very good communication, serious buyer. I recommend!
Stofmania (7/7) Jun 4 2017 - 09:38:15 AM fwkillifishe1495648840
Praise: Good buyer and fast paiement. Thanks !
Francescocattolica (179/179) 101-500 Apr 26 2017 - 05:10:00 PM fwkillifishe1490380480
Praise: Perfect buyer,fast payment,friendly communication.Ciao!
Francescocattolica (179/179) 101-500 Apr 26 2017 - 05:09:18 PM fwkillifishe1490380396
Praise: Perfect buyer,fast payment,friendly communication.Ciao!
Killibozd (1103/1105) 1000+ Apr 26 2017 - 04:42:23 AM fwkillifishe1491651698
Praise: Great communication, fast payment. I highly recommend!
Killibozd (1103/1105) 1000+ Apr 26 2017 - 04:41:16 AM fwkillifishe1491651427
Praise: Great communication, fast payment. I highly recommend!
Killibozd (1103/1105) 1000+ Apr 26 2017 - 04:40:21 AM fwkillifishe1491651190
Praise: Great communication, fast payment. I highly recommend!
Quentinricart (63/63) 51-100 Apr 20 2017 - 12:22:15 AM fwkillifishe1491661721
Praise: Good buyer fast paiement
Patrik69 (16/16) 10-50 Mar 30 2017 - 03:24:18 PM fwkillifishe1490423826
Praise: Very serious buyer, fast payment and good communication. Thank you.

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