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Positive feedback for Joshaeus
Overall Feedback Rating:   16
Positive Feedback Percentage:   100.0%
Unique Feedback Rating:   12
Unique Positive Feedback Percentage:   100.0%
Feedback Summary
Total From Unique Users Past 7 days Past month Past 6 months
Positive 16 12 0 0 0
Negative 0 0 0 0 0
Neutral 0 0 0 0 0
Total 16 12 0 0 0
Feedback ratings are calculated by adding all positive comments and subtracting any negative comments. Neutral comments do not affect a users rating. See the summary for a breakdown of all comments including neutrals.
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Left by Date Item#
Vadish (771/772) 500-1000 Jul 15 2023 - 06:40:49 PM fwkillifish1688850827
Praise: Quick payment, good communications
Pokey71 (176/176) 101-500 Jul 6 2022 - 09:23:10 PM fwbettas1656809259
Praise: Great seller! Beautiful fish, great communication and quick shipping. A++
Bds826 (244/244) 101-500 Aug 3 2021 - 10:43:44 AM fwbettas1627089780
Praise: Great buyer! Great communication! Fast payment! A+ Thank you again!
Bioaquatix (594/607) 500-1000 Jan 15 2019 - 09:27:33 AM liveplantsb1547207405
Praise: Professional exchange, quick payment, thank you.
Bioaquatix (594/607) 500-1000 Jan 15 2019 - 09:23:28 AM liveplantsb1547056813
Praise: Fast payment, perfect buyer, thank You
Sdaquatica (603/634) 500-1000 Oct 25 2018 - 05:53:42 AM fwkillifish1538162408
Praise: Excellent buyer and thank you! =)
Runcc (116/116) 101-500 Aug 20 2018 - 07:29:57 PM fwkillifish1534716188
Praise: Good aquabidder, smooth transaction, thank you
Runcc (116/116) 101-500 Aug 20 2018 - 07:27:48 PM fwkillifish1534715996
Praise: good aquabidder, smooth transaction, thank yopu
Nofishtoday (2987/3015) 1000+ Nov 16 2016 - 06:23:45 PM liveplantsb1478931654
Praise: Perfect transaction in every way.. A+++
Scottnjenny (77/77) 51-100 Aug 16 2016 - 04:01:05 PM fwkillifish1470795008
Praise: Great buyer! Perfect communication and payment. Thanks for your bid. Recommended !!!! AAAAAAA++++
Fyaquatics (328/330) 101-500 Sep 13 2015 - 04:46:42 PM fwlivebearersw1441601114
Praise: Great bidder. Fast payment and easy to work with
Sillig (142/142) 101-500 Jul 21 2015 - 05:26:47 AM fwanabantoid1437854937
Praise: Speedy payment and very good communication
Anotherlover (269/270) 101-500 Apr 30 2015 - 06:13:24 PM fwsnails1430227202
Praise: Fast pay, excellent communication. Come back anytime.
Jdaquatics (1181/1186) 1000+ Apr 6 2015 - 08:18:05 AM liveplantsr1428338267
Praise: wonderful transaction
Jdaquatics (1181/1186) 1000+ Apr 6 2015 - 08:09:26 AM liveplantsb1428339048
Praise: wonderful transaction
Jdaquatics (1181/1186) 1000+ Apr 6 2015 - 08:08:59 AM liveplantsb1428338863
Praise: wonderful transaction

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