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Feedback for Fsleeper
Overall Feedback Rating:   5
Positive Feedback Percentage:   100.0%
Unique Feedback Rating:   5
Unique Positive Feedback Percentage:   100.0%
Feedback Summary
Total From Unique Users Past 7 days Past month Past 6 months
Positive 5 5 0 0 0
Negative 0 0 0 0 0
Neutral 0 0 0 0 0
Total 5 5 0 0 0
Feedback ratings are calculated by adding all positive comments and subtracting any negative comments. Neutral comments do not affect a users rating. See the summary for a breakdown of all comments including neutrals.
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Left by Date Item#
Hi131 (33/34) 10-50 Jun 26 2023 - 06:48:51 AM liveplantsm1686010387
Praise: Fast payment, Great buyer, Hope you enjoy!
Fishguy_1955 (5891/5922) 1000+ Aug 24 2022 - 01:32:05 AM foodl1660689534
Praise: A highly recommended AquaBid buyer!!! AAA+++
Fishonlinerus (546/564) 500-1000 May 31 2022 - 09:54:19 PM fwinverts1653145205
Praise: )><(((((((�> ��`�� Awesome Buyer ,Thank you for your business ��`�� <�)))))))><(
Davidli (679/679) 500-1000 Sep 8 2019 - 08:36:15 PM liveplantsf1567651080
Praise: A pleasure to work with and super quick payment A++
Justinv224 (24/33) 10-50 Jun 27 2018 - 04:08:17 PM fwlivebearersw1526503624

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