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Feedback for Allentwnguy
Overall Feedback Rating:   9
Positive Feedback Percentage:   90.9%
Unique Feedback Rating:   6
Unique Positive Feedback Percentage:   87.5%
Feedback Summary
Total From Unique Users Past 7 days Past month Past 6 months
Positive 10 7 0 0 0
Negative 1 1 0 0 0
Neutral 0 0 0 0 0
Total 11 8 0 0 0
Feedback ratings are calculated by adding all positive comments and subtracting any negative comments. Neutral comments do not affect a users rating. See the summary for a breakdown of all comments including neutrals.
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Left by Date Item#
Fishguy_1955 (5891/5922) 1000+ Oct 22 2018 - 07:51:21 PM foodp1537160437
Praise: A Perfect Transaction! Immediate Payment AAA+++
Fishguy_1955 (5891/5922) 1000+ Oct 22 2018 - 07:51:00 PM foodp1536520803
Praise: A Highly Recommended AquaBid Buyer AAA+++
Mvp (9049/9064) 1000+ Oct 9 2018 - 06:49:04 PM shipping1536802226
Praise: �G� �R� �E� �A� �T�
Mvp (9049/9064) 1000+ Oct 9 2018 - 06:47:17 PM shipping1536796834
Praise: Fast Payment. Thanks for your repeat business A+++
Finzz (72/72) 51-100 Aug 16 2017 - 06:58:42 PM fwapisto1502573789
Praise: Fast pay, great communication, easy deal. No problems, thanks, Chuck!
Sharonemery1 (142/142) 101-500 Jul 3 2017 - 01:30:42 PM fwinverts1497897013
Praise: Totally fun customer!!! D
Ark (1791/1793) 1000+ Sep 24 2016 - 12:56:53 PM fwinverts1471294100
Praise: Pleasure to do business with. Thank you.
Fishampie (418/418) 101-500 Aug 22 2016 - 03:09:20 PM fwinverts1471576515
Praise: A pleasure to deal with!! Thanks again...
Mvp (9049/9064) 1000+ May 9 2016 - 04:46:07 PM shipping1461968409
Praise: �.���`�.��`�.��.���`�.�><(((�> Great Transaction, Thanks For Your Business �.���`�.��`�.��.���`�.�><(((�>
Anotherlover (269/270) 101-500 Apr 22 2016 - 04:57:05 PM foodl1460421002
Praise: Fast payment and excellent communication. Welcome back anytime!
Swampriveraquatics (1476/1509) 1000+ Mar 30 2016 - 09:57:20 PM foodl1459002195
Negative: Problematic Person, Leaves Negative Feedback, Create problems with your Paypal acct. Makes Threats and is a Cheat & LIAR

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