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Feedback for Akahahn
Overall Feedback Rating:   17
Positive Feedback Percentage:   100.0%
Unique Feedback Rating:   12
Unique Positive Feedback Percentage:   100.0%
Feedback Summary
Total From Unique Users Past 7 days Past month Past 6 months
Positive 17 12 0 0 0
Negative 0 0 0 0 0
Neutral 0 0 0 0 0
Total 17 12 0 0 0
Feedback ratings are calculated by adding all positive comments and subtracting any negative comments. Neutral comments do not affect a users rating. See the summary for a breakdown of all comments including neutrals.
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Left by Date Item#
Catcow11 (18/20) 10-50 May 20 2016 - 11:40:36 PM fwsnails1462996486
Praise: Nice communicator allowing for an easy transaction. Thank you for your purchase of snails too. Enjoy!
Fishguy_1955 (5891/5922) 1000+ Apr 4 2016 - 08:52:59 PM foodl1459361401
Praise: A Great AquaBid Buyer - Instant Payment and Excellent Communication - My Highest Recommendation - AAAAAAAA+++++++++++++
Tarmack (1347/1359) 1000+ Sep 29 2013 - 01:57:23 PM fwmixed1379959430
Praise: Great aquabidder, fast payment
Deependaquarium (128/130) 101-500 Aug 27 2013 - 12:45:05 AM shipping1377713410
Praise: Thank you for an easy, pleasant transaction. Excellent buyer. A++++++.
Lohachata (1249/1252) 1000+ Jul 13 2013 - 01:45:47 PM foodp1373564406
Praise: awesome fellow to do business with....thanks again...AAAAAA++++++
Lohachata (1249/1252) 1000+ Apr 4 2013 - 10:19:49 AM foodp1365097803
Praise: quick pay and great communications...many thanks...AAAAA++++
Lotsoffish (6423/6442) 1000+ Mar 18 2013 - 08:53:59 AM foodo1359765886
Praise: Thanks for using my fish food and ENJOY the hobby! A+++++++++++++hobbyist.
Unclerick666 (1718/1725) 1000+ Feb 26 2013 - 08:33:02 PM foodo1359688801
Unclerick666 (1718/1725) 1000+ Feb 26 2013 - 08:29:16 PM foodp1359676202
Pandamonium (14/14) 10-50 Feb 19 2013 - 09:04:49 AM liveplantsf1360127241
Praise: prompt payment and great communication!
Yikadee (51/51) 51-100 Feb 18 2013 - 01:29:54 AM fwangelfish1360436600
Praise: Super fast payment, thank you! A++++++++++
Lotsoffish (6423/6442) 1000+ Jan 18 2013 - 09:52:03 AM fwmixed1354675365
Praise: Enjoy those Super Cross Guppies! Thanks for giving my fish a try! A+++++++++++++++++++ Hobbyist!
Lotsoffish (6423/6442) 1000+ Jan 17 2013 - 09:05:43 AM fwcatfishc1354588971
Praise: Thank you and good luck with your new Corydoras! A++ Hobbyist! Enjoy all your tanks!
Tadege (1457/1463) 1000+ Dec 10 2012 - 07:15:04 PM filteration1355191204
Praise: Thank you for an easy pleasant transaction.
Mysteryguy (1198/1199) 1000+ Nov 27 2012 - 12:54:47 PM fwcatfishp1353211771
Praise: Fast payment, fast e-mail response, A++++
Mefitness57 (623/635) 500-1000 Nov 27 2012 - 08:45:53 AM driftwood1354196996
Praise: GREAT
Mysteryguy (1198/1199) 1000+ Nov 11 2012 - 10:19:31 AM fwguppies1351997316
Praise: Fast payment, fast e-mail responce!! Thanks Again!

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