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Fissidens Fontanus
Item #1332460344

Current Auction Time: Fri Sep 20 20:26:32 2024

Final: $7.00 First Bid $4.00
Time left 00:00 # of Bids 1 (bid history)
Started Mar 15 2012 - 06:52:24 PM Location windham OH 44288 United States
Ended Mar 22 2012 - 06:52:24 PM
Auction Closed
Seller Plantextreme (90/90) 51-100JustMe
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High Bidder Sv13 (8/8)

Payment PayPal
Shipping Will Ship to United States Only See Item Description

Seller assumes all responsibility for listing this item. You should contact the seller to resolve any questions before bidding. Currency is U.S. dollars (US$) unless otherwise noted.


YOU'RE BIDDING 1 portion of FISSIDENS FONTANUS (approx. 1"x1") plus SHIPPING $6.50 flat rate for all your order no max. or min. quantity subject to available Common Name: Fissidens fontanus Proper Name: Fissidens fontanus Category: Ferns and Mosses Temperature: 23 - 28 C PH: 6.0 - 7.5 Lighting: Medium Growth Rate: Very Slow,Slow Difficulty: Easy Origin: North America Position in Aquascape: Mid-Ground,Foreground A newly 'discovered' aquatic moss, Fissidens fontanus which originates from USA, is now available in Singapore. It is a very nice fissidens species and it is truely aquatic. The best part is that the rhizoids of Fissidens fontanus would cling on readily to the woods or stones after a while, and so doesn't require frequent re-tying of the moss. Coupled with the fact that this fissidens is small in size and not very fast growing, one can see the potential of using Fissidens fontanus to cover the driftwood and bogwood and create a natural aquarium landacape. Once the fissidens settled in and take 'root', it would virtually be maintenance free.

Bid History:

Bidders Bid Time Bid Comments
Sv13 (8/8)  Mar 15 2012 - 07:05:15 PM $7.00 

Auction is closed

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