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Donation auction #2... Nezzy swordtails...
Item #1346635146

Current Auction Time: Sun Jun 2 16:40:24 2024

Final: $51.00 First Bid $1.00
Time left 00:00 # of Bids 3 (bid history)
Started Aug 30 2012 - 08:19:06 PM Location Staunton IL 62088 United States
Ended Sep 2 2012 - 08:19:06 PM
Auction Closed
Seller Hca75 (1169/1182) 1000+JustMe
(View seller's feedback) (view seller's current auctions) (ask seller a question)

High Bidder Lilred (140/140) 101-500JustMe

Payment See Item Description, PayPal
Shipping Will Ship to Continental United States Only Buyer Pays Fixed Amount, See Item Description

Seller assumes all responsibility for listing this item. You should contact the seller to resolve any questions before bidding. Currency is U.S. dollars (US$) unless otherwise noted.


Bid History:

Donation Auction #2 For Creative Aquarist

Shelby, aka Creative aquarist� for those of you that KNOW her� know that there have been MANY problems out of her control for a few months�. Well that situation, has now became DIRE�. And she has NOTHING left to her name except her dogs, and what has been sent ahead to her new home�. Her car is totaled, her belongings gone� and she needs HELP�. And we ( myself and another friend here on AB - Tysgrandma ) need help to even go GET her and get her to her new home�. I�ve already emptied my own pay pal to chip in for the gas to go get her to a safe place�.

Up for bid in this auction�

12 Nezzy swordtail fry�unsexed�. Atleast � inch� but there are � in to 1 in to 1.5 inchers in that fry tank� I will try and get atleast 1 juvies pair in there� the rest- what I net� is what you get�. Pictured below� is one of the males . I'll toss a couple goodies in here to make this a mixed lot...

For those NOT interested in receiving any fish, but would like to chip in and help� you can send donations directly to Creative aquarist, or Tysgrandma ( to help with the expense of the trip to go get her) Send me an email� and I will give you their paypal info, for those that DO NOT have it already�. And the proceeds of this auction can be sent directly to one of those 2 paypal addys also

SHIPPING = $14.00 PRIORITY.�( if this box goes over that� I�ll cover it )� NOW Temps this summer have been EXTREME, and If I feel it is to hot to SHIP, I will HOLD the shipment until I deem it safe for the livestock.

If you haven�t already found me� I�m on face book as HCA AQUATICS, and keep a photo album of most of my fish over that a way. And post occasional specials, and fry updates!!!

And some of you have told me ya�ll just DON�T want to do face book� so I can also be found at -

Added by the Seller on Fri Aug 31 15:37:03 2012:


SINCE THIS has broke 51.00..IF it moves� again�� I will add some Endlers to this box� say 2 trios?? These swords have lived with endlers� very well, so might as well send some along�if it breaks 100... I�ll toss something else in here as well�

Bidders Bid Time Bid Comments
Joefish72 (185/186) 101-500 Aug 30 2012 - 08:46:02 PM $1.00 
Joefish72 (185/186) 101-500 Aug 30 2012 - 09:06:11 PM $49.00 Bumped up by: Dlw777 $49.00
Lilred (140/140) 101-500 Aug 30 2012 - 09:16:04 PM $51.00 

Auction is closed

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