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Item #1616971636

Current Auction Time: Fri Sep 20 20:04:11 2024

Final: $45.00 First Bid $45.00
Time left 00:00 # of Bids 1 (bid history)
Started Mar 25 2021 - 05:47:16 PM Location Adel IA 50003 United States
Ended Mar 28 2021 - 05:47:16 PM
Auction Closed
Seller Adelfish (33/33) 10-50
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High Bidder Gbone (127/127) 101-500

Payment See Item Description, PayPal
Shipping Will Ship to United States Only Buyer Pays Fixed Amount, See Item Description

Seller assumes all responsibility for listing this item. You should contact the seller to resolve any questions before bidding. Currency is U.S. dollars (US$) unless otherwise noted.


Look at these dazzling darlin's!! Sure to add luxury to any tank. These are the most gentle swords that I know of and will reproduce without a lot of fuss. Feed them a varied diet and change the water regularly and you'll have their beauty for a long time. This is for a trio of adult fish that you see here in the photo. I do provide a LIVE ARRIVAL GUARANTEE via USPS Priority. Shipping cost is a flat $22. I ship only on Mondays to assure you get your fish by Thursday or Friday. I know how to pack fish--so that they come out on your end as healthy as they left here. My guarantee covers the cost of the fish only, which in the rare case of DOA's I will refund your purchase price or ship you new fish if available. If DOA's, I need two pictures taken within an hour of first delivery attempt. One photo in the bag and one of the DOA's lined up outside the bag. All said, I don't anticipate any problems and know you'll love my fish!

Bid History:

Bidders Bid Time Bid Comments
Gbone (127/127) 101-500 Mar 28 2021 - 02:05:28 PM $45.00 BUY IT NOW

Auction is closed

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