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Super head 3.0inch kingkamfa AAA
Item #1575286014

Current Auction Time: Fri Sep 20 19:58:29 2024

Final: $81.00 (reserve price met) First Bid $80.00
Time left 00:00 # of Bids 1 (bid history)
Started Nov 18 2019 - 05:26:54 AM Location chonburi thailand 46691234 Thailand
Ended Dec 2 2019 - 05:26:54 AM
Auction Closed
Seller Chonburiman (319/372) 101-500
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High Bidder Hung6769 (4/4)

Payment See Item Description,
Shipping Will Ship Internationally See Item Description

Seller assumes all responsibility for listing this item. You should contact the seller to resolve any questions before bidding. Currency is U.S. dollars (US$) unless otherwise noted.


Added by the Seller on Mon Nov 18 05:27:34 2019:

Bid History:

Bidders Bid Time Bid Comments
Hung6769 (4/4)  Nov 27 2019 - 12:31:19 PM $81.00 BUY IT NOW

Auction is closed

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