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Lotsoffish #2 . MIXED IN AMERICA!
Item #1388624120

Current Auction Time: Sun Jun 2 16:43:55 2024

Final: $24.00 First Bid $24.00
Time left 00:00 # of Bids 1 (bid history)
Started Jan 1 2014 - 10:55:20 AM Location Kenmore NY 14217 United States
Ended Jan 1 2014 - 06:55:20 PM
Auction Closed
Seller Lotsoffish (6423/6442) 1000+JustMe
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High Bidder Liveone (24/24) 10-50

Payment Money Orders/Cashiers Check, PayPal
Shipping Will Ship to United States Only Seller Pays Shipping,

Seller assumes all responsibility for listing this item. You should contact the seller to resolve any questions before bidding. Currency is U.S. dollars (US$) unless otherwise noted.


Try some of this food folks! If after feeding just 8 Ounces of this stuff to your fish, you don't see an OBVIOUS improvement of their color AND over all attitude I will REFUND ALL your money and you can go back to feeding them that bulk flake fish food that's always on sale at Walmart.

Hello Folks.
If you have not tried this mix yet give it a try! It is a FANTASTIC spawning conditioning food for ALL smaller fish and ALL fry WILL eat it. That means you CAN feed this to newly free swimming angelfish etc. I recently talked to a Half Moon Betta breeder who was having a hell of a time raising his half moons from free swimming to about 1/4 inch size. I put a couple tablespoons of THIS food in my mortar and pestle, ground it for about 30 seconds and gave him a little and he reports 100% success raising his TINY fry. If you want a food that is convenient to feed AND fish WILL eat, give this stuff a try. It can literally be a life saver in any fish room!
This food is expensive, it's made with expensive ingredients, and I feel it is the absolute best all around mix of ingredients available for optimum GROWTH and optimum COLOR for ALL sizes and types of tropical fish, and shrimp. This auction is for 8 Ounces of Lotsoffish Mix #2.
This foods GROWS fish FAST and will bring out their COLORS like no other food you have EVER FED!
This is the same mix I include with many of my auctions. It is also the main food I feed all my fish at least once daily. You can raise most fry from the egg to adult on this food and finicky eaters EAT this stuff.
A little goes a long way and if you screw up a batch of live baby brine shrimp this food can literally be a life saver.
I believe it's the best all around fish food I can possibly feed my fish. If I thought there was something better I would be using it.
This food is so versatile you can feed it to angelfish from the day they become free swimming to the day they die of old age and all ages in between and they will thrive on it.
When you add it to a tank some of it will float, some of it will stay in suspension and some of it will rapidly sink to the bottom.
If you buy this food from me and you are not 100% happy with it all you have to do is E mail me telling me you think it blows and I will refund 100% of your money for your purchase and you can keep the remainder of it to feed to your house cat.
As always shipping is 100% FREE.
In order to have GREAT fish you have to feed them GREAT foods.
I received the following random comments from Aquarists who now use my food regularly-

Aloha pete, You see it started awhile ago when i first started to buy stuff on aquabid.....i got 2 troi's of sailfin red swords from a guy in these were very nice swords and i want to get fry from them for along time now(i have had these swords for 8 months and only got 6 fry from them....that is untill started feeding them your #2 mix you sent me in many many boxes that you sent this have been 3 weeks now and i am happy to say i now have over 200 fry......from 6 to 200 in three you know why i buy it by the 1/2 puond has make my guppies and electric blue rams fry grow faster and has helped me keep have done nothing different.....still one tsp of salt per 5 gallons and wow......all i can say is THANK YOU!!!....your food does better than rock!!! ..........mahalo, tks for everything.....tom

Hi Pete, I just wanted you to know how happy I am with the Lotsoffish mix #2 I have a new little planted tank that I have struggled to keep guppies healthy in.(not you guppies! LOL!) Since I have received your food the fish have been thriving! Healthy active and tons of babies which are growing like crazy. The shrimp and pygmy Cories are loving it to. It is great how it feeds all the layers of fish in the tank. I am thrilled with it and have recommended it to my friends.........Thanks for a great product!...........Julie AKA 100galgal

Pete, My fish love it. Even my picky eaters like the Badis. I have been feeding some to some Electric Blue Rams and their color is a brighter blue. There are only two food they want now. One is yours and the Other, is..... thanks for making such good food for my fish.. Jo Ann aka Msdevine.

Pete, you have blended some high quality foods here and added a little of your own special touch. A complete and balanced diet that I feed to all my fish from fry to breeder. The results speak for themselves. -Andy, My website is down undergoing a overhaul, but I will be mentioning your feed in the foods section. It incorporates several foods I have been feeding on their own for years. You have a nice mix here. Andy

Oh boy, I just read your auction on "undoctored photos" and laughed. This morning I was just saying how you could make a fish look like anything in the online photos, and that every time I look at my tanks and see little mirror images of what your photos show (and some even nicer), the fish are so perfect and gorgeous that they almost look "tricked up" except they're swimming around in my tanks. Silly people! They need to use your foods!

The best thing about your food is that I take it from my fry tank to the Angels, to the livebearers, and finally to the Africans cichlids. There is something in it for every group of fish. No more finding the right food for the right tank. #2 works for everyone. Charles Beauduy

Pete, I got your Lotsoffish mix#2 and my fish just love it! They go at it as aggressively as if it�s live food. I�ll be ordering more soon. Thanks, Steve Chappell Lancaster, Ca.

Keep those comments rolling in folks and THANK YOU!
Isn't it about time YOU gave my food a try??

I can ship this food 6 days a week and I can usually ship the next available day after you cough up the loot, and as always, I don't mess around.

email me any questions

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Bid History:

Bidders Bid Time Bid Comments
Liveone (24/24) 10-50 Jan 1 2014 - 06:28:41 PM $24.00 

Auction is closed

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