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BBB is now a HOBBY FAVORITE!!! 40 lbs
Item #1281629402

Current Auction Time: Sat Jun 1 09:10:48 2024

Final: $45.00 First Bid $45.00
Time left 00:00 # of Bids 1 (bid history)
Started Aug 5 2010 - 11:10:02 AM Location Richmond IN 47374 United States
Ended Aug 12 2010 - 11:10:02 AM
Auction Closed
Seller Bayleesfishees (2398/2400) 1000+JustMe
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High Bidder Aquaglory (8/8)

Payment Money Orders/Cashiers Check, Visa/Mastercard, American Express See Item Description, PayPal
Shipping Will Ship to United States Only Seller Pays Shipping, See Item Description

Seller assumes all responsibility for listing this item. You should contact the seller to resolve any questions before bidding. Currency is U.S. dollars (US$) unless otherwise noted.


I have to be totally honest here people


The Hobby Calls It


BBB stands for Baylee's Better Bottom and the name was chosen by hobbyists.

I came up with this substrate because I wanted a more natural looking gravel than pea gravel, and there was no way I would have purple and pink with a sprinkle of white in my tanks.  All that color crap does is stress the fish.

I wanted something dark to bring out the colors in fish like african cichlids as I knew they would color up in darker gravel vs. washing out with lighter.  I also wanted something with a little smaller grain for tender roots, so they could easily manipulate and fish that love to sift or do their own landscaping could easily manage.  But I still wanted to be able to clean it.

But I took it a little further.  I wanted to learn about different rocks and their characteristics, so I started sending emails and making phone calls.  I talked to professors of geology, owners of quarries and a handful of other people.  I then studied plants and what micro and macro nutrients they liked and compared them to different rocks.  Have you ever wondered why phlox grows best on rock walls in your flower garden?  Well so did I.

Then one day when I least expected it, I stumbled on this crap.

I started sticking different plants in this stuff and paying attention to the difference it made and I was blown away.  I won't bore you with a scientific chart, but there are about 17 micro and macro nutrients plants use for growth and cell development.  A few happen naturally from fish waste, uneaten fish food, water, and CO2.  The rest typically are found in the substrate and guess what....traces of all of those are found in this crap.

I'm not saying that by using this stuff you won't ever need to use ferts again, but you won't have to use as much, and in some cases you won't have to use any.  Plants typically have a way of telling us when they are lacking in something by appearance and usually a small dose of an all purpose fert will have them rebounding in a day.  But I don't like to add any chemicals to my fish tanks if I don't have to.

So, I started offering this crap to hobbyists and they not only tried it, they told me about it.  The feedback was overwhelming and I knew I had a great product.  Some ended up totally redoing their fish rooms and using BBB in all their tanks. Some even did their own studies and put my stuff side by side a well known "plant" substrate and were amazed at the difference.  One even said my tank looked like a jungle after a few weeks and theirs looked the same as when it was first planted.  I decided I better start taking pictures of this, because Lotsoffish was already making fun of me for selling gravel.  I needed something to show how awesome this stuff was.  One of my favorite pictures was of a madagascar lace plant.  When I get these in, they are a bare bulb with no roots and a plant.  I put this plant in the BBB with no added ferts or high tech equipment (which by the way you don't really need for this plant, but all plants seem to enjoy a little extra lovin even if they don't require it).  After only 2 weeks, I pulled the plant out and was blown away by the root development....tell me those roots aren't diggin BBB.

GREAT...but what about shipping.  Most gravel that you order online costs more to ship it than the gravel itself, even if you ship it ground.  Well lucky for me, USPS has these nice flat rate boxes.  I can cram 25 pounds in a medium flat rate box for $10.35 or I can do 40 pounds in a large flat rate box for $13.95 and now I can even do a little over 4 pounds in a small flat rate box for $4.95.  Try shipping 40 pounds of anything ground and see how much it costs, plus who wants to wait?  But you won't have to worry about freight charges, because I will include them in the price.

I have now sold 1000's of pounds of BBB and without a doubt it is a hit.  So I needed to find a way to make it better.  It already has everything in it that I would want for any fish tank.  Natural look, darker color, smaller grain and it's perfect for plants so what more could I ask for?  Well, I have to admit that I like the look of sand, but I can't stand the hassle sand causes.  It clogs things, it sucks to clean, but some fish really dig it or even require it and some plants have super tiny tender roots that would appreciate it, but plain sand doesn't have the benefits BBB has.  So I went back to work and found BBB in smaller form and call it sand!  See regular BBB has a grain size of about 3mm but the BBB Sand has a grain size of around 1mm.  It's still heavy enough to gently clean and it doesn't seem to clog like normal sand would.  Now I think I have found the perfect product!  You just have to choose which one is right for you.  Gravel is on the left side of the dime and Sand is on the right side.

So now you just need to know how much to get right?  Well these auctions are set up for either 4, 25, or 40 lbs.  Each will come in their respective flat rate box, so if you need more than one box, just add it to your payment and remind me you paid for extra.  But I bet you also would like to know how much you need.  I like to have a 3" thick base of substrate.  I think it's a good depth for most plants, especially big ones with big roots.  Ever tried planting a big plant in a tank with 2" of gravel....the only way to get the plant to not pull out was to pile the gravel up around the plant....who does that kinda crap in nature?  Trust me when I say, save yourself frustration and go with at least 3 inches.  However, if cost is an issue, you can consider having say two inches in the front for smaller plants and ramping it up to three inches in the back for bigger ones which may be a cooler look for you and save money.  But I am going to give you the formula I use for a 3" depth in the whole tank.  25 pounds does an area of 12" x 18" at a depth of 3".  So say your tank has a footprint of 12" x 36"....simple, you need 2 boxes or 50 lbs.  But say your tank is 24" x 48".  First we need to manipulate the 12x18 so it's easy.  If I change 12 to 24, I have to take 12 away from 18 to make it 6, so now I am dealing with 24"x6" which is the same as 12"x18".  Now that I know 24" takes care of one number, I need to figure out how many times 6" goes into 48".  The answer is 8 or 8 boxes or 200 pounds.  Now you can figure out any tank size.

Your tank is already set up and you don't want to tear it down??  Ok, mix this crap in.  It has little dust and you can even get fancy with a tube and funnel.  Put your tube in the tank down to the gravel, and pour the BBB down the tube with help from a funnel.  Now you can direct it wherever you want to and your plants get the benefit.  Starting a new tank and don't think you can afford BBB for the whole thing?  Well consider the cost of the other plant substrates on the market and you will soon find BBB shipped is cheaper than the other stuff off the shelf.  Have bare bottom tanks and want to do pots or planters in your tanks, then take advantage of the 4# deal.

Ready to buy yet?

This BIN auction is for 40# of BBB Sand or Gravel.  This is great for fish bowls, small tanks, pots or simply adding to your substrate in planted areas.

Simply specify which type you prefer when you send your payment.  Sometimes sand will yield more weight, but the price doesn't change.

The BIN price includes shipping so don't worry about that.  So consider what a great deal I am giving per pound on this crap.

After the auction is over, simply paypal and get ready to be amazed by Baylee's Better Bottom.


Bid History:

Bidders Bid Time Bid Comments
Aquaglory (8/8)  Aug 10 2010 - 02:14:52 PM $45.00 

Auction is closed

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