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JustMe Page For: Petsmartdude

[[[[Welcome To My Page]]]

[[[[PLEASE visit my stock page! Link at the bottom of the page]]]] Right now i'm in the planing stages and working on some new strains to bring to ya. This page will CONSTANTLY have my stock up so even if i don't have anything in auction, ALL AVAIABLE FISH, will be pictured on here with thier prices and shipping info. For safety reasons [to the fish] all shipping will be done with fedex to ensure LIVE DELIVERY. Some fish may be shipped with a box that [[[NEEDS TO BE RETURNED]]] a deposit of sorts will be required [10$ that's FULLY refundable when box is returned] For exact quotes on shipping i plan to weigh the item up for bid in the TOTAL shipping package [water and fish in bag, bag in styrobox, styro box in shipping box] so you can check on the link at the bottom [Fed Ex Price check] and get the ACTUAL price without being Screwed ;) Also i have MANY culls that need homes, My policy on these culls are * They are up for adoption as long as you have purchased from me [more than one time] * Returning costumers pay ONLY shipping *Culls are to not be bred seeing as they are either deformed or infertile [please don't stress them more than they are already] *Fed Ex rule still stands And thats about it! Hope you guys like my products and enjoy bidding:)

Favorite Links:
FedEx Price Check
Stock Shop

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