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Feedback for Thewolfkillz
Overall Feedback Rating:   4
Positive Feedback Percentage:   100.0%
Unique Feedback Rating:   3
Unique Positive Feedback Percentage:   100.0%
Feedback Summary
Total From Unique Users Past 7 days Past month Past 6 months
Positive 4 3 0 0 0
Negative 0 0 0 0 0
Neutral 0 0 0 0 0
Total 4 3 0 0 0
Feedback ratings are calculated by adding all positive comments and subtracting any negative comments. Neutral comments do not affect a users rating. See the summary for a breakdown of all comments including neutrals.
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Left by Date Item#
Fishguy_1955 (5891/5922) 1000+ Dec 13 2018 - 07:51:20 PM foodl1542430081
Praise: A Very Reliable Repeat Customer. Fast Payment & Great Communication! AAA+++
Scrat (714/726) 500-1000 Apr 1 2018 - 12:18:44 PM fwlivebearers1521347363
Praise: Great buyer, fast payment, smooth transaction! AAA+++ Thank you and enjoy your new fish!!!
Fishguy_1955 (5891/5922) 1000+ Dec 26 2017 - 03:20:20 AM foodl1510462202
Praise: AAA++++++++ Great AquaBid Buyer ++ Instant Payment ++ Smooth Transaction ++ Highly Recommend
Mvp (9049/9064) 1000+ Sep 27 2017 - 04:24:35 PM shipping1505178008
Praise: Thank You For Choosing Me To Be Your First A.B. Experience!

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