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Show Quality Pineapple Butterfly Male
Item #1356909009

Current Auction Time: Fri Sep 20 20:27:04 2024

Final: $30.00 First Bid $30.00
Time left 00:00 # of Bids 1 (bid history)
Started Dec 23 2012 - 05:10:09 PM Location Austin TX 78748 United States
Ended Dec 30 2012 - 05:10:09 PM
Auction Closed
Seller Bettascapes (175/177) 101-500JustMe
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High Bidder Repru04 (12/12) 10-50

Payment Visa/Mastercard, American Express See Item Description, PayPal
Shipping Will Ship to United States Only See Item Description

Seller assumes all responsibility for listing this item. You should contact the seller to resolve any questions before bidding. Currency is U.S. dollars (US$) unless otherwise noted.


Show Quality Pineapple Butterfly Male

Bid History:

Bidders Bid Time Bid Comments
Repru04 (12/12) 10-50 Dec 29 2012 - 05:23:56 PM $30.00 

Auction is closed

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